But in all seriousness, I'm sure the practicum helped. I had to switch into a slightly more difficult writing class to fit my schedule, so hopefully I'll learn more but it won't be too hard. One small detail I loved about my practicum class was the graffiti past students left on the small desks. Totally unexpected, but funny.
Years and years of defacing Reid Hall. I left my mark, can you find where?
Since my last post I went to Reims where I had great champagne and saw some weird contemporary art. Suffice it to say that there were guitar playing birds, a lighted cross with an alien Jesus, a tank and other weird stuff in the caverns of this champagne house. Oh, it was Pommery Champagne house we went to by the way. Really great champagne. Of course we also saw the cathedral, Notre Dame de Reims. Everyone commented on how mindblowing it is that people contstructed such grande and immense cathedrals without the the help of modern techonolgy whereas today we get glass buildings whose windows blow out when the wind blows too hard. For lunch we were free to explore touristy downtown Reims, a quaint little town center with shops and restaurants. Unfortuantely on this trip I was a cultural FAIL for food, since some friends and I decided to have McDonalds. We thought we'd get more bang for our buck. Not so. Damn the Euro. Of course the worst was when we left Mickey D's and found a great lunch deal, serving a french lunch, for less than what we had paid. Lesson learned: always check to see what lies beyond the McDonalds.
Just a taste of what we saw in Reims. For more click here:
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention is the strikes that have been going on. There was a "huge" strike on Jan. 29th (I didn't see much of the strike and although the metro workers were also supposedly striking, I thought the metro was actually more efficient that day) intended to bring to President Sarkozy's attention the gravity of a bunch of social issues--mostly economic. Duh, welcome to the rest of the world right now. But mixed with that are a bunch of real issues like understaffing at hospitals and schools, minimum wage issues, unemployment, etc. Tuesday the universities will also strike. As of now we're not sure if the Professors will continue on strike, in which case we'd have to rethink this study abroad thing. We'll see what happens.
One thing I have to say I haven't liked so far is the church I've been going to. So I prefer to go to mass in Spanish, since it's what I'm used to and I was able to find one. In fact, it's at Saint Germain des Prés a well-known church of Paris. Thing is, for a "latin" community...it's not as warm as I would like. Now I know that there are a bunch of different kinds of masses, and it's not that I'm for a congregation that dances in the aisles--not that there's anything wrong with that, just not for me--but I like lively music and warm smiles. The last time I went, I was literally given the cold shoulder from someone with whom I tried to shake hands during the 'peace be with you' part. She then proceeded to shake another woman's hand, who had noticed our awkward exchange. It's unfortunate I found that at mass, but hey I don't know her deal maybe she had a legit reason. It phased me for a little while. Maybe I'll try to find other possibilities for church.
Anyways, quick run down of what I've done since the last post. I've gone to the top of the Eiffel Tower where they mark the points looking in the directions of world cities, and I looked out towards San Salvador and New York thinking--yo chill. I've checked out Le Louvre and it is unimaginably huge. Saw the Mona Lisa, and the huge crowd gathering around it. Definitely more intersting stuff at Le Louvre, but hey she follows you with her eyes right?

Crowd around Mona. Yeah, she's there I saw her.
One thing I have to say I haven't liked so far is the church I've been going to. So I prefer to go to mass in Spanish, since it's what I'm used to and I was able to find one. In fact, it's at Saint Germain des Prés a well-known church of Paris. Thing is, for a "latin" community...it's not as warm as I would like. Now I know that there are a bunch of different kinds of masses, and it's not that I'm for a congregation that dances in the aisles--not that there's anything wrong with that, just not for me--but I like lively music and warm smiles. The last time I went, I was literally given the cold shoulder from someone with whom I tried to shake hands during the 'peace be with you' part. She then proceeded to shake another woman's hand, who had noticed our awkward exchange. It's unfortunate I found that at mass, but hey I don't know her deal maybe she had a legit reason. It phased me for a little while. Maybe I'll try to find other possibilities for church.
Anyways, quick run down of what I've done since the last post. I've gone to the top of the Eiffel Tower where they mark the points looking in the directions of world cities, and I looked out towards San Salvador and New York thinking--yo chill. I've checked out Le Louvre and it is unimaginably huge. Saw the Mona Lisa, and the huge crowd gathering around it. Definitely more intersting stuff at Le Louvre, but hey she follows you with her eyes right?
Crowd around Mona. Yeah, she's there I saw her.
I've gotten lost and found again on my way to meet up with friends at another "hip" bar. The music was questionable but I discovered Desperado--a bottled drink of beer and tequila already mixed. Tastes sweet. Don't worry not too wild. I've had Paris' best falafel in Le Marais, reviewed by the New York Times--it was pretty good and it's open on Sunday, when nothing else is. I've succeeded at cooking dinner for a bunch of friends, with no food poisoning! With a few slight alterations to the recipe--turkey instead of chicken, served over pasta instead of alone, liquidy cream instead of heavy cream--it got done and was well received. I've continued to lunch at the 2.85 euro a meal university cafeteria, being disappointed only a couple of times. I've heard an apparently super popular song many times out. I've seen two movies--American but subtitled in French, it helps I swear! I've discovered film is way too expensive in Paris and I've ran up my megavideo quota more times than I can count watching West Wing...
...And I've managed to write yet another long ass post. So I'll leave you again for now, and I'll try to be better at this posting thing. In the meantime check out these early pics from my arrival. Hope you're all well.
...And I've managed to write yet another long ass post. So I'll leave you again for now, and I'll try to be better at this posting thing. In the meantime check out these early pics from my arrival. Hope you're all well.
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